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Corona Virus and the Clinic

Alissa Powell

Hello! We hope this message finds you fit and well.

Following the advice of the Government and our desire to do what’s best for our clients, Julia Davies Nutrition is going remote for a while.

Thanks to modern technology nothing will really change, except that we won’t be seeing anyone in person at our clinic until it’s safe to do so.

Your appointments will still go ahead via phone, Skype, or whatever technology you’re most comfortable with. If you are recommended supplements, we will send you a link where you can buy them online and get them safely posted to you as before.

Julia, Florence, Alissa and Lydia are all feeling great and are looking forward to continuing to work with you.

There are likely to be a few changes in our schedule. If you are asked to see a different therapist we hope you understand and support us, knowing there is a reason behind this; we are all trying to juggle childcare or family commitments alongside supporting you. We will always tell you in advance if you need to see a different therapist and, if you already have a booking that isn't remote, we will be in touch to arrange this. As always, the four of us are in constant communication and have access to all the files, so if you are asked to see a different therapist, you can be totally confident they will be completely prepared for your consultation. Rest assured you will not have any lapses in your care.

Remember, eat nutritious food, get lots of rest, keep your stress levels managed, think positively, get some exercise, and we’ll get through this.

We wanted to share some tips for self-isolation: - Read that book you’ve been meaning to get to - Get in the garden and prepare it for Spring - Learn a new skill – a language, to cook or bake, to paint, etc - Spring clean your closets - Do some exercises if possible (only if you’re physically able to) – squats, planks, star jumps – or follow yoga or Pilates videos online - Learn to meditate - Wake up when you normally would, have a shower and get dressed - don't be tempted by endless pyjama days - Write letters to your loved ones - Reconnect with friends via video or phone calls - Educate yourself Use this time to your advantage and when it’s over you’ll have something positive to show for it.

We wish you the best of health during this strange and uncertain period.

All the best,

Love Julia, Florence, Alissa and Lydia Please follow and share our Facebook page for the latest updates


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